Create your registration forms online

Your brand, your forms

  • Register your attendees online via your own custom designed forms.
  • Integrate your registration forms on your website or create landing pages especially for your event.
  • Categorize your online registrants according to their status and differentiate the registration process according to your participants. VIP, Partners, Visitors, Speakers, Exhibitors… You can organize and manage your event CRM in a personalized way.

For example, a “VIP” category will not have a registration form and only an invitation email including the badge. Conversely, a “visitor” category could have a paid form, a confirmation email with badge, etc.

Easily streamline your participants’ journey

Because each event is unique, we have developed a Form Builder that allows you to create your own forms in a simple and thorough way, and to activate different options:

  • Create custom fields, order them, condition their appearance according to the answer to another field.
  • Verify and validate your visitors’ data (e.g. email, country, a link).
  • Add steps to your form and separate your questions according to their relevance.


    Your payments made simple

    • Use promo codes and invitation codes if you are offering discounted rates or registration to a limited audience.
    • Register participants for conferences and workshops.
    • Manage multiple registrations.
    • Send a confirmation email.
    • Enable registration notifications.
    • Moderate registrations.
    • Limit registrations by using quotas.
    • Set up paid registrations with online payment.
    • Display certain questions or fields conditionally: allow blocks of questions to be dependent on previous questions or answers.

    Our features

    Enrollment Process


    Payment & Billing

    Statistics & Reports


    Create registration forms for my event

    Can I add the registration form to my own website?

    If your site was not created on the Eventmaker platform, it is still possible to integrate your registration forms easily. You can find the iframe that corresponds to your form and integrate it on all your sites.

    Are the forms GDPR compliant?

    All our forms allow you to be fully GDPR compliant.
    You can add opt-in fields to your form to ensure that you have the consent of your participants, especially if you are collecting data for partners.

    How can I identify the origin of the people who fill in my form?

    By using UTMs in the links to your forms, you can identify where they come from and keep this information in your event’s participant list.
    There are no limits to the use of UTMs, although the most commonly used are source, medium and campaign.

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